Relish the flavor
Whether it’s on a bun or fresh out of the jar, there’s no treat more classic than a delectable dill pickle. But have you ever wished you could have all of the punch without the crunch? That’s where we come in!

Our seasonings pack all the tastiest parts of the pickle into one convenient bottle! Perfect for popcorn, burgers, steaks, and salads, one sprinkle will have you telling friends, family, and every chef you know to Hold the Pickle!

a full line of seasonings...
can you guess what the next flavor is going to be?

how it all started
Established in 2022, Hold the Pickle is a tasty collaboration between two seasoned friends and lifelong pickle lovers. When a forgotten grocery item meant that the menu at a barbecue was missing that familiar, tangy touch, the two pals got to thinking: could you recreate the pickles without the jar?
Developed in collaboration with classically-trained culinary professionals, Hold the Pickle is a proprietary blend of seasonings and spices designed to bring zest and pizzazz to any dish. Our product is certified kosher, non-GMO, and gluten-free.

what makes our seasonings the best


FOLLOW the trend
Use #nopicklenoproblem on your next Instagram post, show us how you use our seasons, and share how great it taste on your favorite meal!